Kahibah Kids Playgroup Reopens May 2022

We are very excited that at long last our Kahibah Kids Playgroup is re-opening on Monday May 9, from 9.15am-11.30am. All are welcome and we look forward to seeing some familiar and new faces for lots of fun and friendship.

Kahibah Kids Play Group is a fun gathering for parents, carers and children aged 0-5. Our facilitator Lorraine Pearce-Adams is an educator who uses her training and gifts to create a fun and interactive experience for all.

Kahibah Kids meets each Monday during school term from 9.15am – 11.30am at Glenrock Anglican, Kahibah.

  • Registration and payment on arrival for each session

  • Cost: $5 per family

  • Enquiries to Lorraine: Ph 0418 719 913 or admin@glenrockanglican.org

Kahibah Kids meets each Monday during school term from 9.15am – 11.30am at Glenrock Anglican, Kahibah.   Registration and payment on arrival for each session  Cost: $5 per family  Enquiries to Lorraine: Ph 0418 719 913 or admin@glenrockanglican.org

Welcome Fr Stephen Williams


Today is International Women’s Day!